Instructions for Session Chairs and Co-Chairs

The ACC 2024 program with details on session date, time, and the papers in each session can be found on this conference website or in the printed Program Book 
(provided to all registered participants at the conference).

Please follow these instructions to help you run the session you are assigned to:

Ahead of time:

  1. Immediately, please connect with your session chair or co-chair, and confirm that you will both be available to run your session and to support each other in this role, in case of technical difficulties for either of you.  Please contact ACC Program Chair Kam Leang ( if you are unable to connect and confirm with your session partner.
  2. Some authors/presenters in your session may not be able to present their work in person at the conference. Unfortunately, there is no mechanism for remote presentations at ACC 2024. However, some authors/presenters may ask one of their colleagues attending the conference to either present on their behalf or play a pre-recorded presentation video on during the session. Also, some authors may reach out to session chairs directly to help them play their video presentation during the session, so if you are able, please assist.
  3. Remind yourself of the different types of presentations at this year’s ACC: (1) Rapid-Interactive (RI) format that has 3-minute talks with digital poster session and (2) traditional 15-minute talks in regular/invited sessions. Please see details here:

On the day of the session:

  1. Before the session starts:
    1. For Rapid-Interactive (RI) sessions (Wednesday and Friday, 10:00 – 11:45 am)
      1. Try to identify all the presenters/authors in your session. Take note of any no-shows.
      2. Remind presenters/authors that each RI presentation is maximum 3-minutes long, presented back-to-back, no Q&A. Instruct presenters to be prepared to take the podium once a talk finishes and they can set up while the current talk is active.
      3. Remind presenters/authors to introduce themselves when they start. RI session chairs do not need to introduce each speaker.
    2. For Regular/Invited Sessions with 15-minute talks (Wednesday through Friday, 1:30-3:00 pm and 3:30-5:00 pm)
      1. Identify all the presenters/authors for each paper in your session. Take note of any no-shows.
      2. Communicate with your session partner on which of you will lead introducing which talks (e.g. the chair leads on the first three talks, and the co-chair on the final three talks).
  2. At the time the session starts, greet the audience, then
    1. For RI sessions, explain to the audience that the 3-minute talks will be back-to-back, no Q&A, but after the talks, the audience can engage the authors/presenters during the digital poster session. They can ask questions and discuss details during the interactive component (from 11:00-11:45 am). Start the session by introducing the first speaker. All other speakers that follow will introduce
    2. For Regular/Invited sessions, introduce the first speaker, as you typically would do as a session chair.  After the talk, moderate the Q&A and discussion time at the end. When it is time for the next talk to start, introduce the next speaker and continue the process.

Immediately after the session: 

Thank the audience for attending the session. For RI sessions, encourage the audience to ask questions and engage in discussion with the speakers/authors at their digital display booth.